All song links are working as of June 11th, 2011. |
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"After Hours" Elwood Dance/Pop - XM - 372k |
Bouncy and energetic, the sort of song that just makes you want to make
a mad dash to the nearest dance club.
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"An Important Thought" Smash Acid Jazz - XM - 427k |
A tripped-up, jazzy, funky excursion into
electronica drum loops and synth-brass.
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"Astaris" Karsten Koch Fantasy - XM - 967k |
A spacy, synthetic opus with an intoxicating melody.
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"Autumn Air" Oxide Light Rock - XM - 408k |
Straightforward, solid, no-frills acoustic guitar pop. Sometimes, simplicity says it best.
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"Carpe Diem" Siren Pop/Light Rock - IT - 555k |
A quirky, swingin' combination of demo-synths and clean guitar hooks.
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"Dust To Dust" Leviathan Light Rock - S3M - 259k |
One of the best basslines in the tracking scene underscores this brooding
electric guitar classic.
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"Enlightenment" Cyberzip Dance/Trance - XM - 817k |
(Original Mix) Aggressive melodic trance led by pizzicato strings. This
is the song which all tracked trance should be measured against.
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"Eternity" Lluvia Fantasy - XM - 999k |
A somber mid-tempo piano ballad with intriguing
rhythms and harmonies scattered throughout.
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"Existing" Mick Rippon Light Rock - XM - 237k |
(XM Version) A classic in the tracking scene, with wonderfully styled
acoustic and lead guitar melodies.
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"Fall From Sky" Elwood Pop/Demostyle - XM - 320k |
Optimistic, high-octane, charged-up synth-pop with a driving dance beat,
soaring synth leads, and backing pizzicato strings.
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"G2" John Douskos & Mister Bla Trance - XM - 1855k |
A relaxing melody juxtaposed against fast beats with drum'n'bass stylings.
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"High On Life" Virt Pop/Demostyle - IT - 681k |
This pop/demostyle hybrid features exciting leads, smooth backing piano, and
flawless transitions between swing- and straight-time.
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"Improvise" Wizard Acid Jazz - IT - 816k |
A trippy concoction of brass, piano and guitars backed by an infectious jazz groove.
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"Into The Shadow" Elwood Pop/Demostyle - XM - 232k |
A song of determination and strength in the face of darkness.
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"Lake Of Sand" DJ Keys Trance - XM - 1208k |
A smokin' trance tune flavored with Egyptian modes. Original, creative and very slick to hear.
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"Lintuseni" Warder Light Rock - IT - 958k |
Acoustic and electric guitars combine with flutes for this rock-flavored
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"Log On" John Douskos Dance - XM - 1130k |
This low-key and subtle dance tune creates quite an intriguing atmosphere.
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"Lost Cause" Quasian Light Rock - IT - 1810k |
An intriguing and complex song that changes time signatures like I change
my underwear. The sort of song you have to learn how to listen to.
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"Maximalism" Mick Rippon Pop/Fantasy - XM - 554k |
Frenzied chime and synth-flute melodies create a sense of urgency and
desperation in this unique composition.
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"Moongate" Bruno Pop/Fantasy - MOD - 153k |
I don't care how old it sounds. Those spacy synths and that regal melody
always work for me.
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"Moov'n" Opinash Trance - XM - 493k |
Ethereal and minimalistic, but with a definite sense of rhythm and movement
and a truly unique sound.
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"More Than Meets The Mind" Chuck Biscuits Trance - S3M - 190k |
Psychadelic synth-hooks and a catchy piano riff meld together into a smoothly
hypnotic trance masterpiece.
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"Muve On" John Douskos Pop/Rock - XM - 312k |
This catchy pop/rock tune is further proof of just how versatile and
underrated a tracker John Douskos was.
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"Orchard Street" Necros Pop - IT - 469k |
Necros's tracking finale. A peppy, bouncy, jazzy, funky tune led by synths
and piano chords.
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"Overdose" Quasian Demostyle/Rock - XM - 468k |
A driving, freewheeling fusion of demostyle synths and aggressive distorted
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"Put The Wrong Things Right" Phred Trance - IT - 2007k |
Somewhat-unconventional trance, oozing with atmosphere and deceptively simple.
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"Resolution" Myth Fantasy/Pop - IT - 946k |
Similar in tone and style to his "Parasympathy," but with more concessions
to a pop-music sound.
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"Rivendell" Radix Fantasy/Orchestral - XM - 387k |
This tune intrigued me even before I became familiar with "The Lord
of the Rings." Flutes, strings and subtle percussion in waltz-time.
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"Sarek National Park" Haggeman & Tonixmedia Fantasy/Pop - XM - 2560k |
Inspired by the northern reaches of Sweden, this eccentric melody captures
the bleak beauty of the frozen tundra.
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"Sick On Monday" Elwood Dance/Demostyle - XM - 397k |
Harsh and hard-driving, rather uncharacteristic of Elwood's tunes.
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"Submarine" John Douskos Trance - XM - 1685k |
This smooth trance masterpiece feels so real you need a towel just to
listen to it.
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"The Last Ballad" Siren Pop/Fantasy - S3M - 365k |
An upbeat piano-synth ballad with an epic tone and some of the finest
melodies you'll find anywhere in the scene.
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"The Secret Of Magic" Crono Fantasy - XM - 1230k |
Flute, piano and guitar melodies weave together into an enchanting
tapestry of sound.
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"Thief Of Faith" Nino Pop/Techno - IT - 440k |
A mixture of electronica elements and one helluva smooth chime melody
build up an atmosphere of espionage and intrigue.
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"Transcended State" LauriT Electronica - IT - 777k |
Groovin' bass rhythms and trancey synths.
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"Trip To Home" Vibe Pop - IT - 807k |
Smooth and swingin', and as cool as the other side of the pillow.